Hello, 👋️ I am a service designer with a strong drive for UX, strategy & storytelling.
Product Service System Design,
Politecnico Di Milano

About Me
Always curious, tenacious & versatile

I am adept at crafting and implementing end-to-end design processes following an agile iterative approach. This process usually includes mixed-methods research, problem finding by trianglulating user, business and tech needs, outlining and understanding various stakeholders and ecosystems involved, their journies and relationships and then crafting an iterated + user tested experience that is adaptable.
What can I offer?

User Research
1. Surveys & Interviews
2. Focus Groups
3. Diary Studies
4. Observational & Cultural Probes
5. Personas

Service Design
1. Service Blueprints
2. CX/UX Journey Maps
3. Storyboarding Scenarios
4. Stakeholder, Ecosystem & Service Maps
5. Co-Creation Workshops, Design Sprints & Facilitation
User Experience & Interaction
1. Lo-fi Wireframes
2. Design Systems (Figma)
3. Design Tokens & Variables
4. High fidelity screens & Prototypes

Design Strategy
1. Design Thinking Methodologies
2. Digital Transformation
3. Organisational Design
4. Business Canvas + Value Proposition Building
Methodology I use
As they say, we shape our tools and our tools shape us.
As they say, we shape our tools and our tools shape us.

My journey
From uplifting artisanal communities, designing digital interfaces to understanding systemic complexities.
From uplifting artisanal communities, designing digital interfaces to understanding systemic complexities.

I believe real breakthroughs come from people.
So many interesting observations, thoughts, spectrums of cultures, sexualities, identities, neurodiversities.
So much people say, and so much they don’t.
Needs, wants, challenges - so fascinating, sometimes tearjerking to understand the complexities, joy and pains of being human.
To be able to understand that, having the privilege to design for them. That is what I stand for.

Oh, and
When I am not designing you will find me scourging recipes on the internet and trying them, tending to my plants and being a homebody.
Though whenever I am feeling extra zesty, I sometimes also Photograph
Let’s Chat!
You can contact me on
srishti.chauhan@mail.polimi.it ->
for a short call, a coffee or mail.